'We were no Florence Nightingale' The Spanish Civil War hardly plays a role in the Dutch collective memory – only recently it is occasionally brought up as a comparison to Islamic State and the foreign fighter phenomenon. Seran de Leede • August 15, 2016
European Female Jihadists in Syria The number of young European women travelling abroad to join the "Islamic State" (IS) continues to increase. Little is known about these women, including their motivations and roles within such organisations. Edwin Bakker and Seran de Leede • April 25, 2015
'Aicha'; or, why girls join Jihad in Syria Media report on a 19 year old Dutch convert girl travelling to Syria to join Jihad. But what actually motivates her? Wietse van den Berge and Seran de Leede • November 25, 2014
Dutch women on jihad in Syria: why do they go? Increasingly media report on women who undertake the trip to Syria to join the jihad. What drives these women to give up their comfortable, safe lives to undertake the journey to a country torn by violence? Daan Weggemans and Seran de Leede • July 07, 2014
Afghan Women and the Taliban The value of women in terrorist organisations is more and more recognized and utilised by terrorist organisations. How have women in Afghanistan responded to the political violence in their country? Seran de Leede • April 18, 2014